
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Ones That Walk Away, Are Only Making Room For The Ones That Won't

The Ones That Walk Away, Are Only Making Room For The Ones That Won't

Sometimes in life we have to decipher the time to be a true friend or the time to be a true lover, and realize when the time is to let go of someone who is in our lives. It has been said to believe who someone is the first time that they show you who they are, and to never hold on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to. When it comes down to it, many of us choose to hold on to people who dont want to be in our lives because we feel some amount of emptiness inside. 

Instead of filling a void by clinging to someone else, we have to deal with living a life with our best interests in mind, and prepared and committed to living a life on a search for inner fulfillment. When we are able to be filled ourselves, we are then able to help fill others, and pour into others.

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