
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sometimes We Are Only Given A Few Minutes To Spend With The One We Love

Sometimes We Are Only Given A Few Minutes To Spend With The One We Love
We may never really know why things are happening the way they do, and why we aren't given the time we wish we had with the people we love. Sometimes we are only given a limited amount of time to be with the one we love, and are left to spend what seems like an eternity thinking about them. 

When we are forced to wait for someone because of the tentacles that love has over us, we are forced to deal with the simple fact that loneliness will creep in. Not being able to see their lovers for most is much more than just a difficult part of loving someone who isn't there, it is often times what causes a relationship to crumble from its root. 

Think about animals in the wild, who for the most part will mate again after their first mate is gone from their lives. This is important to note because there are some species who will only remain loyal to their first mate, or the mate they have loved most. You never know when someone will be taken from your life, and for how long, but you can consistently love him or her as much as you can, with whatever distance is between you both.

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